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(949) 306-6673 Squeaky Kleen

What are the Top 10 Ways To Jumpstart MyBusiness?
1.  Join the 100% FREE Spiderweb Marketing System if you haven't already.  They have
     amazing tutorial videos to watch!

Setup your
7 Day FREE Trial Account with GDI also known as Global Domains
     International.  Definitely Watch the Stage #6 video in Spiderweb Marketing if you missed it.

Play with the
Income Calculator.  If you invite only 2 people into your organization and
     they each invite 2, and so on and so forth all the way down for 5 levels, then you will make
     $62 per month...you'll keep your account forever!  Why wouldn't you?
     Marc's Goal:  Average 1 person per day for 5 days a week (that's 240 per year) and if they
     each refer an average of 3 people for 5 levels, your estimated income is $29,040 per month!

Marc's Progress page for an update!

Watch our
FREE Video on Tax Advantages - See how Home Businesses save on average
     $200 to $800/mo.  This is the Stage #8 video in Spiderweb Marketing if you missed it.

5.  Order the
HBstop Affiliate Program.  Invite others to watch your video and don't forget to
     tell them about HBstop.com.

6.  Watch the Brian Bear YouTube video below - he is our upline making over $10,000 a month!

7.  Login to GDi and send your invites (instructions are highlighted below).  Be sure to check your
     STATISTICS INFORMATION on your Invite tab and see who has watched your video.
Follow up with the people ASAP (It is not necessary, but you will make more money!

8.  Check the HBstop
Facts to Know page.  These are important selling tools when talking to

9.  Print business cards or postcards to hand out to everyone you come in contact with.

Sign up for
Blast4Traffic - Get 1 e-mail per day blasted out to up to 2.3 Million people $34.50
     There is a (1) time fee with nothing more to pay ever!  Send out to 70 Million each month!


Am I in a long-term contract in GDi?

NO.  It is a month to month commitment.  Once you want out, it's easy. See number below...

How do I set up my new GDi .ws website?
1.  First Login to Spiderweb and Set Up your Capture Page (Stage #6 in Spiderweb):
It looks like this: "Click here to change your custom capture pages customozation"

Then login to your GDi account and click on "Domains" on the left navigator.
Click "Change DNS." On the bottom, in the "I will provide my own nameservers section" input:
Copy and past the following in bold into each nameserver:
Nameserver 1:     ns1.spiderwebserver.com
Nameserver 2:     ns2.spiderwebserver.com

Your website should be live within 15 - 30 minutes (possibly up to 48 hours) : www.YourDomain.ws

2.  If you DO NOT have your Spiderweb Capture Page set up:
The best way to set it up is to login to your GDi account and click on "Domains" on the left navigator.
Then select the radio button for "Parking Service."  I want to "park" my domain on Website.ws
Your website should be live within minutes: www.YourDomain.ws

What is the best way to tell my friends, family and co-workers about GDi?
Send them an invitation from your GDi account!
1.  Login (enter your username and password)
2.  Click "Invite" (it's on the left navigator)
3.  Scroll down and input the first and last name and e-mail address of 5-10 people you know
4.  Scroll down and click "Send Your Invitations"

Sending Invitations from GDi will Generate an AUTO RESPONDER:
Over the next 2 weeks, a series of 7 different emails, with not only different subject lines
but also completely different copy
in the message body, spaced over 2 weeks time
(one every 2 days until they CLICK), will be sent automatically.

How do I login to my GDi account?

Login (Be sure to add this to your Favorites!):

How do I keep track of who I sent the GDi invite to and if they watched it?

Once logged into GDi, click on "Invite" then in the middle click STATISTICS INFORMATION
Tip:  If you hold down CTRL and press "F" - it opens up a Find Window to search for someone.

    See How Brian Bear is Making Over
     $10,000 Per Month After Just 100 Days!

(Click Here or on the Video Below)

Why can't I see the Spiderweb videos?
If you don't have Adobe Flash 10, you may need Mozilla Firefox.  Try downloading the Firefox browser.
This will work 95% of the time.  Internet Explorer is great, but it is a generic web browser.
Download Firefox Now!

How do I set up my GDi e-mail?
Under "Domains" on the left navigator, click "Setup Your Email." Make sure you do this before setting
up your DNS to the Spiderweb site.  Once you Change your DNS, it will not allow you to set up your Email.

How do I cancel my GDi account?
Easy.  Just call (760) 602-3000 during normal business hours.


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